The School Board unanimously voted to send a $159 million bond measure to voters in the May 16, 2017, election.
The measure would:
- Make upgrades and improvements, including replacing roofs, siding, windows, plumbing, electrical systems in schools around the District.
- Make energy improvements, including replacing old, inefficient high maintenance heating/ventilation systems, doors, which would save energy costs.
- Make safety/security upgrades, including automatic door locks, fire alarms, security cameras to improve the safety of students.
- Make seismic upgrades to enable buildings to better withstand earthquakes.
- Renovate and/or add classroom space to support vocational/technical classes for all district middle school buildings.
- Renovate and add classrooms and a cafeteria at Oak Grove Elementary School; purchase property and construct a new elementary school in NE Albany to address growing enrollment and reduce overcrowding.
- Complete the first phase of West Albany High School’s rebuild that would include new classrooms, commons, auditorium, cafeteria and administrative space; and multipurpose space for vocational/technical education and gymnasium uses at South Albany High School.
The bond proposal is the result of a more than two-year process to identify facility needs in the District. The projects were reviewed by architects and recommended by a community-based District Facilities Advisory Committee (DFAC) that was made up of community members, parents and staff members.
DFAC initially identified more than $250 million in facility needs. This proposal represents the School Board’s priority to balance the most critical needs and the cost to taxpayers. This bond proposal is expected to increase taxes by an estimated $.64 per $1,000 of assessed property value because the 2006 bond is expiring.
For more information, read the resolution and explanatory statement.