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Clover Ridge Outdoor Science Lab Gets Makeover

Posted on: May 24, 2017

On Saturday May 6th, 13 families and a total of 34 people came back to school on a Saturday to do work needed in our outdoor science lab. The goals for this work party included maintenance of the vegetation, including blackberry removal, cleaning the frog pond and maintenance of the trails. One major project was trimming the vegetation between the two buildings to improve visibility (safety) and reduce fire hazard and replacing the stone walkway.  All the children who helped also got to make bird feeders to take home out of pine cones, peanut butter and bird seed.  Thanks to all the help, the tasks were done quickly and the habitat area is now looking GREAT!

THANK YOU to the Elliott, Jacobs, Bryan, Murray, Fisher, Cox, Meekins, Potter, Berger, Day, Christophersen, Elder and Schnee families for all their help…we couldn’t do it without you!!


If you would like more information on

Clover Ridges Outdoor Science Lab, or would

like to be involved in our next work party in August,

please email Mrs. McMinds at: